- Living Life -

Life is not a race - but indeed a journey. Be honest. Work hard. Be choosy. Say "thank you", "I love you", and "great job" to someone each day. Go to church, take time for prayer. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh. Let your handshake mean more than pen and paper. Love your life and what you've been given, it is not accidental - search for your purpose and do it as best as you can. Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you aspire to be. Laugh often. Appreciate the little things in life and enjoy them. Some of the best things really are free. Do not worry, less wrinkles are more becoming. Forgive, it frees the soul. Take time for yourself - plan for longevity. Recognize the special people you've been blessed to know. Live for today, enjoy the moment.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

.:: Bring on Fall ::.

Well October is officially underway...meaning the madness has begun! Between the upcoming holidays and birthdays in our family one may think it is nothing but a headache! So much is going on to prepare for the fall season, its a bit overwhelming! With Halloween just around the corner there is so much to do that one (meaning me and possibly only me) may not keep up. Costumes still have to be ordered, treats have to be bought, Cornbellys, Gardner Village & pumpkin patches to visit, pictures to take, pumpkins to carve, parties to plan! Ahhh! BREATH!! How does one do it and keep it all together! And on top of all that I am currently dealing with other dilemmas. So please bare with me! I apologize now if I completely loose it! I tend to freak out when I overwhelm myself, but hopefully this year it will be different!

Other then being overwhelmed I am ecstatic for the upcoming months! I absolutely love this time of year! And to have my kids makes it even more special! I am so thankful for everything and although life is somewhat challenging during this time I know everything happens for a reason! .....LIVE for today...HOPE for tomorrow...LEARN from yesterday!

Lately, I have been somewhat m.i.a. due to the fact that our computer yet again had another virus! So there is so much I have to post about! So again bare with me!
.:: LaBoR DaY WeEkEnD 9.06 ::.

We went to Park City With the In-laws and had brunch. By the look on my face you can tell that I'm not feeling my best! I had some sort of stomach bug and I just felt nauseous! No NOT pregnant! NAUSEOUS! It was either before or after this picture was taken when I got the feeling to throw up! I ran to the bathroom and as soon as I opened the door to bathroom it all just came out! Luckily, I didn't miss the toilet! But after i felt a heck of a lot better!

Here we are at the sky coaster! If you've never been its actually quite fun! The ride up was so relaxing and very much needed after waiting in that long line!

...:: RMR 9.07 ::...
A woman I work with is constantly doing fun things! When I asked her what her plans were for the weekend she told me that a group of her family and friends usually go to Rocky Mountain Raceways and watch the different races for Labor Day. So a couple of the girls in the office decided to go and meet up with her. I was still not feeling all that great from the previous day and was a bit iffy on going, but once I mentioned cars to Talon, he would not stop talking about going to see the cars and the races. So as mother and son we decided to go. Just the two of us!
Besides the smoke and loud vibrations, Talon had a blast!

This was the main reason why I wanted to go. I've always wanted to take Talon to a demolition derby, but I usually wait last minute to get tickets and by that time they are sold out! So I was pretty excited to be able to see one that night!! But this my friends was not your ordinary demolition derby...pictured below are sedans, trucks, station wagons, you name it pulling all sorts of trailers. From campers to car trailers to even hot tubs on trailers and porta was all there! Total redneck I know!!! I do have to say that that was most likely the craziest thing Talon and I have ever seen! You could see the sparks coming off the pavement as the metal hit the ground, cars and their trailers colliding to one another, tires were flying, debris everywhere including the atmosphere, cars were smoking if not on fire! It was a sight to see! Overall Talon and I had fun together!! Just me and my boy!

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